
Yes, a Blog

The third universal principle is that when someone — who isn't your mother — asks if you have a blog, you must make one. In accordance with this ancient and esteemed law of reality, I unveil Penentaglossia. Using this hybrid form, part-diary and part-soapbox, I intend to share rough drafts of academic papers; shine light on forgotten works of sf, fantasy, and weird fiction; and, most importantly, brag about my used bookstore finds.  As for the name, a quick search for the term "penentaglossia" will reveal its origin: "The Primary Education of the Camiroi" by R. A. Lafferty. It's on the syllabus for fifteen-year-old Camiroi students, alongside p anphilosophical clarifications, charismatic humor and pentacosmic logic, and construction of viable planets. The definition, "The perfection of the fifty languages that every educated Camiroi must know including six Earthian languages. Of course the child will already have colloquial mastery of most of these, but